I must say, the one thing I hated about this project was, having to kill spiders. You would not BELIEVE how many DADDY LONG LEGS, to be exact, are just sitting on the baseboards in my basement! GROSS. The first time I went back to painting after my little sabbatical I had to kill FOUR of them just to start painting; they were propped up against the drop cloth and the table front. Then, WHILE I was painting, one started walking across the table! I get goose bumps just thinking about it!
Anyway, next step is to finish the lettering and STAIN, then paint/distress the legs. I got some wonderful advice from Korrie @ Red Hen Home so the prospect of staining is causing me a little less anxiety now. I will post the project again when it is complete! Wish me luck!
I Love this!! I think I'm addicting to putting large prints on top of things now :o) Thanks for visiting my Little Blue French Desk! I can't wait to see it all finished!